This week I was reflecting on how self hate has almost become common place with people .. especially kids, which is heart breaking. We are born complete and whole. We don't have to do anything to earn Worthiness or Enoughness .. we just are. If you believe in a higher power, then you know there are no mistakes. Perhaps a divergent pattern that doesn't resemble the others, but just because it's not like the others doesn't make it wrong or defective. Every human being is an essential piece of the universal puzzle. Just take a moment, give yourself a little grace and know that when you constantly look at yourself with such a critical eye, that you're missing the intrinsic beauty of you just being you.
I thought I'd share something that I wrote .. It's about seeing yourself for who you really are.
Have a beautiful week and just be You . Remember, you were born whole, complete and enough.
The Magic Wand
From a distance I see you in the river of your tears
Holding you under from the weight of your fears
"I can't do this!" you scream into the night
"There's nothing about me that ever seems right!"
I hear your whispers swirling in your head
The hurtful things that are constantly said
If only a magic wand I had in my hand
I'd touch your crown, and a new thought could land
Suddenly your eyes wide open to what I can see
The veil finally lifted, with certainty you'd agree
Your inner beauty revealed so radiant, so true
Completely washing all self doubt away from you
The creative Genius that quietly lives within
A new relationship would finally begin
Now peer into the pool to see your reflection
What is revealed is pure perfection
Trust that you're here as your Maker intended
All self judgment permanently suspended
Have your own back whenever you fall
Be your own best friend once and for all
It's time to love all of you even when it's tough
You're worthy and beautiful .. so completely enough!
Until next week, sending so much love your way! xo